Tuesday, August 22, 2006

One Month Without Daddy's Presence

Last Saturday night my husband departed to Japan for business. He will be there for 1 month. And my little son started to miss him a lot.

[Written On Behalf Of My Son, Justin]

My dad went to Japan last Saturday. That Saturday night I couldn't sleep at all. Maybe the weather too hot or I missed him too much. While laying on bed with my mum, I have asked my mum some questions :

Me : Mummy, can I drive your car to find daddy ?
Mum : You cannot drive car to find your daddy honey. Japan is far far away from here
. You only can go there by aeroplane.
Me : Is daddy coming back tonight ?
Mum : No honey, your dad is going to Japan for 1 month. I will show you when daddy
will come back on the calendar.
Me : Mummy, I feel like want to cry without daddy's presence.....
Mum : My dear, mummy is here for you. Daddy will be back soon. OK ?
Me : OK. I want to listen to some story or can you sing a song for me ?
Mum : Once upon a time.....

Trying my best to make him feel not so lonely, I sent him to my mum's house so at least his cousin & niece can accompany him. He enjoyed the time with them. I am glad that he made it. He likes to be surrounded by lots of friends and he enjoy those fun time together.

Taking bath together with them, playing water sprinkle, running in the garden here and there, feeding fishes, digging sand, jumping around, screaming .....that's how he enjoy himself.

Children like to play a lot, my son too. That's how they learn...

I am so grateful to be blessed with such a playful, loving and understanding child.

May all the children in this world surrounded with love, happiness and kindness !

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oops ! Watch Out For Your Weight !

It's Friday ! Another week goes by. Tood bad this week gain too much weight, near to 47 kg already. Nope ! Nope ! Need to control my diet already, if not I am going to cry !

No more fried food, reduce bread intake, more fruits and exercise !

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Freelance Work

Just got an update from my 'boss' last week that I need to work on a new project starting from next Monday. Yes, besides my routine job, I work as freelance programmer/system developer as well. I also works as freelance translator for Malay Language, English, Chinese.

Next few weeks will be tough for me I guess. Need to brush up abit on my brain.

Java: Hello World !
Rusty Brain : Do I Know You ?
Java : Yes, my friend. We have been in a intimate relationship for some time.
Rusty Brain : Really ?
Java : We have been seeing each other for 4 years, day and night making dream together.
Rusty Brain : I guess I am getting older now. Need someone to give me a push or knock..

Servlet : Hi guys ! I am here too..
Java : Hi friend, glad you are here. Help me to wake my friend here..

Cheers To the Great Reunion !


Angel In My Heart

Hope to dream about my angel tonight and keep me save from any evil's thoughts.. but bring light to my life .

I wish for :

Life Motivation
A Guide Through My Daily Life

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Still Trying To Survive Between Work And Parenting

I made up the decision to leave my 9 to 5 office work and being a stay at home mum when my friend offered me an oppoturnity to work from home. I was getting quite tired everyday since I need to travel quite a long distance to the office and at the same time I am looking for something different. Yes ! I am not a person that perform well under pressure or I totally don't like it at all. I need to find a balance between well being and work. That is my philosophy of life - enjoy or relax while working. So the offer match my need and I just grab it ! Thanks to my friend too !

So that's how I started my journey as working from home mum. Well, I married at the age of 26, considered quite young among Chinese society. I gave birth to my first son, Justin on 12 Oct 2003.
He is a lovely boy and I love him very much. So this blog is dedicated to him too.

I considered myself patient enough to look after him but sometimes I do lost my temper too. He is 3 years old now and being very active all the time ! My approach in educating a child is just let them do whatever they want to do since they are still kids and full of curiosity. So I let him explore whatever around him. Banging on things, tearing papers, drawing, painting. But sometimes rules are needed as well.

One thing we noticed recently was he is started to showing his good manners like saying 'Thank you' everytime people give him things, say 'Please' when asking for something. He even know how to say 'Sorry' when bump on someone ! Great progress for him.

I think it all starts from the parent themself on how to teach the child good things. You yourself need to take the first step and show the right manners yourself in order to let your child follows.

So education starts from family not school sound quite true to me ! :>

Today's Health Tips - Green Tea

Great tip to share with you all. Next time when you having any fever, flu or cough, try to take some green tea with a dry plum. Good to clean out the heats from your body and it really works !

I have tried this many time and hope it works for you too !

Have a nice and healthy day !

Monday, August 07, 2006

How To Make Good Money Through Your Blog Site

I came across this site while looking through some blogs :


You can find lots of useful tips on online money making, ,blogging tips, tech news and computing sharing. It's owned by a local Bintulu, Malaysia guy who getting married soon ..haha..Happy Wedding !

Good resources for 1st blogger like me ! :>

I spend most of the time online as require by my work. It has been 1 year since I changed my job. Now trying to looking for something EXTRA that can help me to earn EXTRA $$ while working from home.

Anyone who interested or have some good tips to share, you are welcome to post some comments as well here.

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Solutions For A Happy Life

Came across this short article on NST yesterday. Interesting article on how to be happy with your life in more spiritual way. Read on...

WHAT is spirituality ? Many people are asking this question because it has become increasingly obvious that some method is needed to face the various crises of modern life, especially on a personal level.

Many are looking to spirituality as a means of finding an understanding or a solutions which cna help them create a happier life.

Spirituality is the universal awareness of myself as a unique eternal being with the inner resources to enable me to live life creatively and meaningfully.

It gives me the realisation that I cannot depend on external curcumstances and people for my own stability.

We cannot expect love, peace and happiness from others but we need to develop these qualities in ourselves.

To know myself and to share selflessly is my gift to the world. No on e and nothing can create a permanent state of well-being in me. The external can contribute, guide and inspire but ultimately, life is what I make of it.

As long as I am dependent on the external sources for my happiness, there is very chance that I will be disappointed.

True happiness is that which comes from within. It is to enjoy and cherish each moment. When I am able to be happy, my happiness automatically spreads to others too -- By Bridget Menezes (counsellor, Brahma Kumaris)

Thought for reflection :
To remain happy and share happiness with others is a great act of charity.

Hope you enjoy your life and find your happiness all the way.