Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Solutions For A Happy Life

Came across this short article on NST yesterday. Interesting article on how to be happy with your life in more spiritual way. Read on...

WHAT is spirituality ? Many people are asking this question because it has become increasingly obvious that some method is needed to face the various crises of modern life, especially on a personal level.

Many are looking to spirituality as a means of finding an understanding or a solutions which cna help them create a happier life.

Spirituality is the universal awareness of myself as a unique eternal being with the inner resources to enable me to live life creatively and meaningfully.

It gives me the realisation that I cannot depend on external curcumstances and people for my own stability.

We cannot expect love, peace and happiness from others but we need to develop these qualities in ourselves.

To know myself and to share selflessly is my gift to the world. No on e and nothing can create a permanent state of well-being in me. The external can contribute, guide and inspire but ultimately, life is what I make of it.

As long as I am dependent on the external sources for my happiness, there is very chance that I will be disappointed.

True happiness is that which comes from within. It is to enjoy and cherish each moment. When I am able to be happy, my happiness automatically spreads to others too -- By Bridget Menezes (counsellor, Brahma Kumaris)

Thought for reflection :
To remain happy and share happiness with others is a great act of charity.

Hope you enjoy your life and find your happiness all the way.

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